07 March 2007

Boring Update

Life has been zany: a whirl of job candidates, performance reviews, snow days, deadlines for grants and conference papers, work around the house, and, always, much entertainment with Curious Girl. We're fine, I miss writing posts, and I miss reading posts. But April should feel better than March.

And tomorrow should feel better than today: CG and I are off to visit my parents! (Politica will join us later.) I'm taking my computer, the better to recruit our prospective new colleaugues, so perhaps I'll get caught up on blogs (assuming I can find internet service nearby).

Just in case any of you are still reading, happy spring break! I'll be back. I miss you.


Phantom Scribbler said...

Have a good trip! We miss you, too.

Rev Dr Mom said...

Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

will we meet at 4C's?