07 May 2008

Houses, Again

  • We are in the midst of making an offer on a house, in the city neighborhood we want.
  • It's a FSBO, not yet listed anywhere, but our realtor walked through it this morning and says it's pretty much got everything we want. We've seen his photos and the photos the seller prepared, and Politica has driven the block the house is on. So we're going to make an offer.
  • Our realtor called the sellers this evening to find out a fact he needs to fill in on the offer, which is offering them full price. The only thing we're asking them for is half the closing costs (although I don't know they know that yet). The seller said that they would want two weeks to respond to the offer, so they can list it on the FSBO site on the weekend.
  • We are now feeling cranky about the sellers. I understand that sellers want to maximize the price they can get for a property, and I realize that the first people to see a house and make an offer might make the seller think, "oh, I could have gotten more." But it seems quite greedy to simply want to take time to see if a bidding war will ensue.
  • Our offer will give them until Friday. I hope it works out. This house feels like a very us house. I'll get to see it, I hope, next week, if things seem to be working. We've moved up quite a bit in the price range we decided to consider, but I'm not sure I want to move up higher.
  • In any event, thanks for all the house comments. Politica and I talk about these things endlessly, and it's nice to have you all listening and commenting. I'd happily throw an ice cream social for all of you, were you all here, rather than in the computer. (but hey, poke pro could take care of that!)


kathy a. said...

best of luck!

i'd feel kinda cranky about the sellers, too. in this market, they can't count on selling for the asking price, never mind more.

Phantom Scribbler said...

Ah, thank you very much for the update! I didn't think I could possibly go to sleep until I knew Where You Stand With Teh House.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear about it!

jo(e) said...

I hope it all works out. It'll be nice to get it all settled ....

elswhere said...

Fingers crossed for you.

Rev Dr Mom said...

Oh I hope it works out. Can't wait to here more about it! Fingers crossed...

Arwen said...

I've got fingers crossed too! C'mon, sellers, sell the house!

Unknown said...

Oh, that sort of seller trick would annoy the heck out of me. Hope it resolves soon.

susan said...

We appreciate the crossed fingers, everyone. But it is annoying/frustrating/ironic/whatever to consider sellers who (may be) trying to jerk us around b/c of our interest in their house when we are sitting here in this house trying to figure out what to do to sell it in a crappy market. On the up side, it is confirming our sense that the neighborhood we like is a good place to invest in. It's not the priciest German neighborhood, but it's clearly desireable. Argh.

Anonymous said...

good luck!

Magpie said...

Oh good luck!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Good luck with the house. :)