18 June 2008

Two Thousand Words, and then some

Two photostreams that have moved me to tears, for very different reasons:
  • Bilerico's California marriage slideshow. I'm just speechless, and while I"m not much of a cry-er, I'm getting a little teary again just writing this sentence and thinking about the photos. See for yourselves. (and for a wtf? moment, check out a Bilerico correspondent's report about what happened after a guitar playing member of the crowd collapsed. Those exchanges got left out of the mainstream media report. I hope the man is OK.)
  • The University of Iowa's News Service flickr photostream. I was impressed by the photos of volunteers working on the Iowa campus to move library books. I wonder how many academic projects are under water right now. I should note that at least one person who reads here is in Iowa. Boomerific got flooded out of her house in Cedar Rapids--she, Attic Man, and the Snapper are all well, and they will get by. She's not been posting much (what with the flood and all), but her last three posts are powerful.


kathy a. said...

here are some of the photos and moving videos on sfgate.com: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2008/06/18/MNPA11ANT1.DTL&o=4

Overwhelmed! said...

I'll have to go check out these pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Suburban Gorgon said...

On behalf of the breeders, I apologize for the idiots. No one should have to look at protesters on their special day. Ugh.

On a happier note, wouldn't it be amazing to be there? This is history happening in front of our eyes, and our children will read about it someday.