23 October 2005

You're the Top

We have a new addition to our family: Top, Curious Girl's sister. I'm taking a risk, I suppose, using Top's real name, but probably not too many invisible people are reading this blog. Or any blog. In any event, Top arrived last night at dinner. CG said "I want to sit next to my sister" and insisted that we move her sister's chair and placemat to the corner between her place and my place. "She's real," Curious Girl assured us. "So she needs real food from the [pizza] box." Top didn't actually eat her pizza, but CG carried on a nice conversation with her during dinner. At breakfast, Top reappeared, but then vanished ("She's sleeping upstairs. She's sick."). Top just joined me and CG for lunch, where she shared her food with CG. So far we have learned that Top is a baby, although she is 4 years old and rides the schoolbus. And she is a great audience for a book. Curious Girl read Heidi (in the Little Golden Book edition) to Top as they were finishing lunch, and Top answered all of CG's questions about the book and seemed to respond well to CG's encouraging comments ("Good job! You knew that ivy comes from trees!").

(If any of you are scratching your heads, thinking "I don't remember ivy in Heidi," you're right. But there is ivy in Owl Babies, ivy that does appear to be part of the tree on which the three owls sit (more comments on the book in my library, in the sidebar). And there are trees in Heidi. Which can remind one of Owl Babies, apparently, especially if one is three.)

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