For some of the quirkier things I'm doing b/c of blog-influence, keep reading.

For starters, I'll rip up linoleum. My bathroom discoveries weren't quite as lovely as Halloweenlover's, but as you can see I found some nifty original tile in our bathroom. The bathroom is about to be renovated, and our contractor isn't sure we can use the original tile, but maybe. And at least we know what it looked like so we can evoke or recreate it in the renovated bath.

Secondly, I'll buy socks, because when Peripatetic Polarbear writes about socks, it's inspiring (and when Halloweener lover writes about socks, it's funny).

And always, I'll try a recipe. I've made a lot of blog-shared recipes over time, most recently this pasta dish that came courtesy of Julie, field-tested before Curious Girl and I got to it by Scrivener and his daughters (after all, any chance for me and Scrivener to resemble each other is something worth grabbing!). If you look closely at the photo, you'll see the side of CG's sunglasses. When she was stirring the onions, she complained that her eyes were bothering her. I suggested she get her sunglasses so she ran to the living room for them, and they blocked enough of the onion's whatever-makes-your-eyes-burn qualities so she could keep stirring. Plus she thought it was funny to get to wear her shade indoors.
A lot of things I've been reading have also gotten me thinking about the language of adoption, as well as the structure of a semester, so I'll try to write about one of those ideas tomorrow. On matters both Important and Mundane, I'm enjoying the ways in which blog-friends get me to try new foods, new ideas, new questions. And especially new orange socks. I like these connections.
And on that note, time to progress towards my earlier bedtime.
kid picture! awesome! I made the same thing (again) today for lunch/dinner (x3 days).
Also, when I was in the grocery store this morning I saw the "Cooking Rocks! Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Meals for Kids" book, which I assume would have many more of these kids-help/meals-don't-suck things.
I'm honored to be considered so influentual! I hope your feet are very happy!
That picture of CG is absolutely adorable!
Awww, I'm SO bummed that your results aren't to your satisfaction, but those tiles are pretty darn cool.
Can I tell you that I also ordered socks because of Phantom and PPB? And, when Secret Agent Josephine got these awesome shoes for her trip to Paris, I bought them too!
And I tried Scrivener's halloween frankenstein recipe, so I'm a blog-influencee also! Perhaps we should start a club?
I have Rachael Ray's kid and vegetarian cookbooks on hold at the library, so i'll let you know how they work out. I like the Mollie Katzen kid cookbooks b/c they have pictographic recipes, so pre-readers can "read" the recipes with less adult help, which is pretty cool. But that pasta recipe was tasty for leftovers too. In fact, I liked it better for lunch yesterday.
I'll have to check out Secret Agent Josephine. Glad to know there are other sock/shoe lovers out there. And I have some hopes for the tile stuff to work out anyway. We'll see.
Tonight we cooked again and Curious Girl ran off to get her sunglasses.
"Tonight we cooked again and Curious Girl ran off to get her sunglasses."
that's great! did you even have onions this time? :)
Well, tonight she skipped the onion-cutting b/c she didn't want to get her eyes watery, she said. But then when I said I would dump the cut-up veggies into the soup pot in case the water splashed up, she said "I have a good idea. Wait!" and ran to get her glasses. So she seems to have the idea that sunglasses are protection against a variety of cooking ailments.
And she did a fine job of carefully pouring the cauliflower into the soup pot, wearing her sunglasses. And no one got splashed.
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